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Grand Rapids Dominicans Make Statement

Advocates for Nuclear Disarmament Join in Federation Push to End Weapons of Mass Destruction

On the Feast of Dominican preacher, teacher and scientist, Albert the Great, the Dominican Sisters – Grand Rapids, MI announce that we have joined with the Federation of Dominican Sisters USA in a corporate stance for nuclear disarmament. A vote of members was taken; there was overwhelming support for the Disarmament statement.

The Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters have served in parishes and schools in Michigan for the past 120 years with missions in New Mexico since 1925. Dominican Sisters are currently engaged in ministries of education, health care, outreach and catechetical work, pastoral services, and advocacy for people who are marginalized in fifteen states and three foreign countries.

As women religious, we believe that all creation including Earth itself is sacred and we stand in witness to the triumph of life over death, love over hatred and hope over fear. Each of us now will express support for this effort in the choices we make to study, pray and act on behalf of creation rather than destruction. The Congregation will continue to pursue study and learning ways for non-violent action and advocate for a non-nuclear stance as part of our commitment to Care of Earth.


The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids call upon the United States government to lead the way for the global abolition of nuclear and all weapons of mass destruction by adopting a plan to lock down, dismantle, reduce, and eliminate nuclear and all weapons of mass destruction.

We call for immediate development, adoption and implementation of a plan that will ensure that there will be no new nuclear weapons, no new materials for nuclear weapons, and no testing of nuclear weapons.

We will work with all people of goodwill until there is no chance that a nuclear weapon or other weapon of mass destruction can come into the hands of anyone wishing to do harm.



Jailed Dominicans Visit United Nations To Advocate for Nuclear Disarmament

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